Extrait d’un discours prononcé par Swami Satsangi (un des guides spirituels de la Bihar School of Yoga) :
Life becomes illuminated through yoga when we experience all aspects of life as stepping stones to evolution. Yoga helps to refine and awaken our inner potential, the higher faculties of the brain, and helps us to adopt a balanced lifestyle. When we live according to the prin-ciples of yoga and in harmony with the laws of nature, the result is unity, totality and an enhanced quality of everyday life.
Just as the sun illuminates the path in a dark forest, yoga illuminates the inner path, creating understanding and a positive change in our individual attitude towards ourselves, nature, and the world. Illuminating Life through Yoga is the realisation that your potential can and will be awakened in totality.
Ce petit texte résume l’essence du yoga tantrique.
Merci à Swami Yogaratna pour avoir attiré mon attention !